The Rise and Fall of SpeedX Bikes Ltd.

This is the story of ego and greed.

A story of how a small group of entrepreneurs had a ‘good idea’ and wanted to turn that idea into a cycling brand to challenge the existing cycling hierarchy.

It is the story of how, trying to be a Global Brand, without having any experience of the cycling industry, can throw up all sorts of problems.

This story is written from the perspective of a backer and supporter of the project, without the input from anyone in the company. It is a totally unofficial history, and any errors are mine alone.

A number of other backers have helped and contributed their experiences, I am indebted to them for their support, and have acknowledged them.

No one from the company has been available to answer any questions or able to give their side of the story. A number of former employees of the company have been contacted, unfortunately, no one has answered or made any comment.

Whether, they are too ashamed of the mess they made, or just wanted to put this episode behind them, I can’t say.

If you would like to be informed when The Rise and Fall… is published, please let me have your name and email address.